Mothers Summit London is an organisation that was set up in March 2010 to empower mothers from all works of life.
Since inception, it has successfully brought together thousands of mothers and mothers-to-be at the annual conferences. Many homes and families have been impacted by the empowerment and knowledge received at these conferences, with many testimonials following.
The flagship annual empowerment event known as “Mothers Summit” provides a rich source of information and resources for women on how to develop strong connections with their children, nurturing children, effective methods of raising and supporting their children and families.
Practical tips are also provided on positive parenting, role modelling, mentoring as well as support and encouragement for single parents and widows.
The Summit has been of massive benefit to thousands of Mothers especially those from the black and ethnic minority communities over the last 10 years.
Mothers Summit London and its charitable arm, Mothers Summit Foundation regularly make donations to provide financial support to many UK charities. Some the charities that have benefited over the years include Great Ormond Street Hospital, Children with Cancer UK, Aylesbury Vale Rape Crisis Centre, Still Birth and Neonatal Death Charity (SANDS) as well as some non-governmental organisations in Africa.
For more information on Mothers Summit please visit